Stannah Stair Chairs

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Your local stairlift provider STANNAH STAIR CHAIRS Get A Free Evaluation At your home No Cost – No-obligations. You will receive a guaranteed price in writing. Call Now 888.542.3834

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I am a stairlift user myself for many years, I provided my 1st stairlifts 60 years ago

I have seen, sold, installed, and used personally every stairlift that is being sold today, plus a lot that aren’t in business any longer, most for good reason.  There are over ten manufactures Stair lifts being offered in the United States Today. 90% of the Stairlifts sold come from only three manufacturers, one of which is of such poor quality that it has actually  had people killed on the Stairlift in use.

Search “stairlift recall

They advertise heavily in magazines that serve the Senior market and on television programming targeted at seniors. They have no stores.You can find a mention of any standard warranty or guarantee. It will of course be the lowest advertised price. However, a very risky deal for a lot of cash and the safety of your loved one or yourself.

NOW FOR THE GREAT NEWS.  We now have a stairlift which many of us have waited for.  A Stairlift on which the machine  and seat does not sit on the stairway when it is not in use. Many people have asked us for such a Stairlift  over the years, as they either don’t want to infringe on the width of the stairway others, and some who don’t  want the machine to be visible from public areas in the home.

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[av_heading heading=’Stannah Stairlifts For Any Stairway’ tag=’h1′ link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” style=’blockquote classic-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’18’ margin=’20,0,,0′ padding=’20’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#c90c0c’ custom_class=” id=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”]
15 Models Of Stannah Stairlifts

A Stannah Stairlift, Just For You, and Your Stairway


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Unfolded, ready to use. A low footrest, sturdy arms and adjustable seat height make it easy to get into the chair.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3431′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-14n6clt’]
One-step folding avoids the need to bend down to fold up the footrest. This improves safety at the top of the stairs.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3407′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-12n7wfl’]
Folded, the Starla stairlift leaves room for people to walk up and down the stairs.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3414′ video=” mobile_image=” video_ratio=” title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-11rtxf5′]
Wall Mounted chair recovery
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3412′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-zyaykx’]
The seat belt can be used with one hand, and is mounted on one armrest, so it’s easier to reach than a car seat belt.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3409′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-ynssip’]
The chair rides smoothly up or down the stairs, and stops automatically when it reaches the far end.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3415′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-vvd6hd’]
Sensors stop the chair if it touches an obstruction.
[av_slide slide_type=’image’ id=’3410′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=” link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-uas55d’]
When swiveled at the top landing, the back of the chair blocks the stairs, for safety.

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We have 15 models of Stannah Stairlifts. Every Stairlift is as different from the next as we are
as individuals. There are many options and accessories which will best meet your personal
There are over thirty specific health issues which need to be addressed before you know which
Stairlift is appropriate to meet your needs. Also every stairway is different even though they
seem the same.
Nothing could be worse than buying a Stairlift without going through the process described
below to determine your needs and finding that it doesn’t give you the things you need to
function for you in your home.
Our business provides Stairlifts, it’s the only thing we do,we have qualified
professionals who will come to your assistance in this process, at no cost or obligation
to you. One of our professionals will come out to your residence and determine what is
appropriate for your personal needs and the specific requirements of your home to properly
install the Stairlift in your home, and we will give a written guaranteed price, and a date when
the Stairlift can be installed. Call today 888 542 3834 we will be right out.
Or we invite you to come into one of our showrooms where we have about a dozen operating
Stairlifts for you to see and try.
Come in and see which Stairlift is best for You Call and set an appointment or if you please just
drop in. Call today 888 542 3834 we will be expecting your call. When you have decided which
Stairlift is best for the client, with that in mind a trained professional must come to your
home to be sure that your investment gives you the things you require and those you
desire, and to be that you choice is compatible with your stairs. Many times this visit
can be made at the same time that a person involved in the clients homecoming is
involved, or if they are receiving professional care at home coordination can be
arranged with them.

All of this is at no cost or obligation to you. We have a free useful gift we will bring to you at
your stairway. Call right away, You will be glad you did. We are a second generation family
owned business.
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[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3463′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Anyone can benefit from a Stannah stairlift
Over half a million installed globally, for all ages.’ caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-ef5v8x’][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3464′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Folded, the stairlift leaves plenty of room for people
to walk up and down the stairs.’ custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” av_uid=’av-c4u9fl’][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3465′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Easily Installed
Typically 2-3 hours

Easy removal’ custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-ajsxoh’][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3466′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Attaches to the stairs,
not the wall

Won’t damage your home.

Plugs into a regular outlet.’ caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-8m3pw1′][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3468′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Visit one of our showrooms
We’d love to give you a tour!’ caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-7jftv5′][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3467′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’Local Sales and Service

Top quality installation and service’ caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-nknap’][/av_slide_full]
[av_slide_full slide_type=’image’ id=’3469′ video=’http://’ mobile_image=” video_format=” video_ratio=’16:9′ title=’We’re happy to come and advise you.

Friendly, free, and without obligation.

Contact us today!’ caption_pos=’caption_right’ link_apply=” link=’lightbox’ link_target=” button_label=’Click me’ button_color=’light’ link1=’manually,http://’ link_target1=” button_label2=’Click me’ button_color2=’light’ link2=’manually,http://’ link_target2=” video_controls=” video_mute=” video_loop=” video_autoplay=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-3uj0s1′][/av_slide_full]

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