Stannah Stair Lift Best Stair Lift

The Importance of a Stannah Stair Lift

Do you or a loved one find it more and more difficult to make it up or down the stairs in your house? Do you feel like you have lost freedom in your movement? If so, you should consider in investing in a Stannah Stair Lift system.

Stannah Stair Lift

A Stannah stair lift is the best way to provide mobility to those who struggle to make it up a series of steps. A Stannah stair lift system is a home based chair that is connected to a motorized rail. With this one can sit in the chair and have it essentially drive them either up or down the stairs of their house. A Stannah stair lift system is not only advantageous to own but in some cases necessary. For elderly individuals who have severe impairments in mobility and may potentially live by themselves, this system is a saving grace. According to the National Council on Aging,  each year almost 25% of Americans aged 65 or older encounter a fall down the stairs. By providing an alternate method of movement from for the severely handicapped it prevents accidents like falling down the stairs, which in these cases can often be fatal.  This system allows those who may be lacking in mobility to feel re-empowered.


Another selling point of a Stannah Stair lift is its versatility and efficiency. If you are like a number of homeowners who have a small or narrow staircase there is no need to worry, as a Stannah stair lift system has the ability to travel round bends on either side of the staircase and negotiate turns with ease. It should be noted that your rail will be custom fit to the dimensions of your staircase. One should be aware of is that the system moves at around 12 meters per second. This allows for short wait times or delays but rather relatively efficient speeds when traveling up or down the stairs.

Battery Life

Each Stannah stair lift is powered by rechargeable batteries, which can be charged at an outlet we install at the top or bottom of the staircase. A resident will not have to worry about the hassle of frequently having to change and buy new system batteries, as the ones that come with the system have an average lifespan of 3-5 years.

Stannah Stair Lift

Stannah Stair Lift System


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