Tag Archive for: stairlifts

Stairlift Features That Suit Your Needs

Considering your specific needs and determining what additional stairlift features you need will help you choose a stairlift that is right for you. You want to ensure you make an informed choice even as you explore the options of stairlifts near me. Contact Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts today for a free no-obligation in-home evaluation with a guaranteed price in writing 888 532-3834

Stairlifts Near Me

Stairlifts Near Me

Stairlifts Near Me: 5 Vital Tips To Help You Choose The Best Stairlift.

A stairlift can make a big difference to your independence by restoring safety and freedom so that you can move quickly between the floors of your home. But as you look for stairlifts near me, there are so many options that you will come across that can make the decision to purchase a stairlift a challenging one.

Getting a stairlift installed for someone with limited mobility who’s struggling with their stairs in their home can make a huge difference to his/her life. A stairlift can help someone remain living independently without being restricted to just one floor in their own home.

Having a stairlift can give users the freedom and independence to go safely up and down the stairs, taking away the worry of using the stairs and the risk of falling.

There are lots of benefits of buying a stairlift, but before parting with your cash, there are several things to consider to make an informed decision. If you are thinking of purchasing a stairlift, then read on to find out what you need to consider to choose the right one that will suit your needs and budget.

  1. Straight or Curved Stairlift

The style of your stairs will determine the stairlift you choose since staircases come in various shapes and sizes. Straight and curved stairlifts are the most common types:

  • Straight stairlifts are fitted to a straight track and can be installed on most straight staircases, including narrow, steep, and long runs. Straight stairlifts run on a linear rail, allowing you to move smoothly in a single direction of travel.
  • Curved stairlifts are fitted to a custom-made curved track designed for staircases that feature any bend, corner, or additional flights of stairs joined by a landing. Curved stairlifts are made to measure to follow all the curves and contours of your staircase. They are designed for your staircase and needs.

2: Stairlift Features That Suit Your Needs

Considering your specific needs and determining what additional stairlift features you need will help you choose a stairlift that is right for you. You want to ensure you make an informed choice even as you explore the options of stairlifts near me. Here are some of the things you need to think about:

Manual swivel seats come as standard on stairlifts. When you arrive at the top of the stairs, you will want to swivel your seat toward the landing for a safer exit. With these, a simple and easy-to-use ‘push down’ or ‘pull up’ lever at the side of the chair allows it to swivel it manually to the side. This enables you to rotate the chair so that you can get on and off the chair simply, smoothly, and safely. A manual footrest is a standard fitting on a stairlift and has to be manually folded up once you are out of the chair.

Powered swivel seats also allow you to get on and off the stairlift easily, but are powered instead of manual. The power swivel operates with a single touch of a button, adding a whole new level of practicality to any stairlift. A powered footrest is effortless and folds the footrest up with a simple press of a button.

Perch seats enable you to be in an almost standing position as you use the stairlift. These seats are ideal if you have difficulty sitting upright or find being in a seated position uncomfortable.

Remote controls – while each stairlift control is designed with a slightly different style, they all come with a simple left or right-handed stop/start button to move the stairlift smoothly in the direction you want. These controls are designed to be used easily even if you have limited dexterity.

If you have limited mobility or find it challenging to get up unaided from a seated position, a powered swivel seat and/or powered footrest supports eliminate the need for any manual effort.

If weight restrictions are a problem to you, ensure you look for a stairlift that can safely and efficiently transport you up and down your stairs.

You will also need to think about the track that the stairlift moves on. The type of track affects how low the seat will be, so you will need to take that into consideration.

Also, if you have a doorway close to the bottom of your stairs, this can alter the type of track you need.

Hinged tracks are used when the track needs to run across a hallway or doorway at the base of a staircase. These types of tracks are used to ensure the seat will park partway up the stairs when not in use to ensure people can pass it freely and safely.

Slide tracks are designed to be slightly shorter than the length of the staircase. This means that the stairlift will reach both the top and bottom of your staircase just before the end.

Manual hinge tracks mean you’ll need to raise and lower the track manually. A manual hinge is considered as stress-free manual operation as possible.

Powered hinge tracks come with an automatic hinge. This means that the hinge will fold down automatically when the stairlift reaches a certain point on your stairs so you do not have to do it manually. Powered hinge tracks come with an automatic track, meaning operating and lowering the hinge from the stairlifts remote control, eliminating any manual use.

3: Stairlift Prices to Suit Your Budget

For most, purchasing and installing a stairlift is a cheaper alternative to making home improvements or even moving to a new house.

How much does a stairlift cost is a question that we get asked a lot – and with good reason. Every stairlift is unique depending on different features and factors, so there’s no one size fits all approach when it comes to purchasing a stairlift.

However, at Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts, we pride ourselves on giving free, no-obligation home assessment/survey and subsequently, accurate and transparent quotes on our Stannah stairlift models.

For straight stairlifts that are used on straight staircases with no extra features, you are looking at prices from around $2,015 for new ones while the reconditioned models start from $1,340 upwards.

For curved stairlifts on narrow curved stairs, spiral staircases, and stairs with more than one turn, you are looking at prices from around $5,790, and upwards of $4,315 for a reconditioned model.

  1. New or Reconditioned Stairlifts

A stairlift can be a significant investment, and it’s no secret that any product bought second-hand will be considerably cheaper than buying a brand-new product. So, as you look for stairlifts near me, you may consider going for a reconditioned stairlift instead of purchasing a new one.

That is why at Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts, we give our customers (especially those on a tight budget) the choice of purchasing reconditioned stairlifts that suits their needs. Purchasing a reconditioned stairlift can be a great choice, and means that you do not need to compromise on quality or comfort.

You will not only save money, but reconditioned stairlifts also come with the same quality assurance for both straight and curved staircases that you would expect from a new stairlift.

  1. Stairlift Warranty and Aftercare

When you consider how regularly stairlifts are used, you want to ensure you have a guarantee that the stairlift is installed correctly and will remain in good working order for a long time.

Stairlifts must pass a rigorous quality check and service before they’re installed into a property, but even quality stairlifts need a little looking after every so often. This is when a warranty can come in handy.

All our new stairlifts come with a two-year warranty, offering you peace of mind and ensuring that all our clients are 100% happy with our products and services.

Options for extended straight and curved stairlift warranties are also available, giving you options of one to three years of protection with 24/7 emergency cover, priority attention, and stairlift parts and labor included.

As you can see, choosing a stairlift is a significant decision with several factors and options to consider.

Stairlifts Near Me

To help you make the right choice as you look for stairlifts near me, fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you to ensure we understand your needs before helping you to choose the stairlift that is most suitable for you.

At Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts, we pride ourselves on offering quality products, expert advice, top-quality installation, and reliable aftersales service. Call us today at (888) 542-3834 to schedule a free-no-obligation home assessment.

Stairlifts Near Me

Stairlifts Near Me


Stairlifts for Wheelchairs Benefits #2

Safety- Recent statistics show that most seniors who use wheelchairs to move around still fall and sustain injuries in the comfort of their homes. Such a situation can make you feel helpless, especially since it occurs right in your home where you consider as a haven. Call now for a free no-obligation in-home evaluation with a guaranteed price in writing 888 532-3834 (Click To Call).

Economical and Practical

Along with being able to lead a long life, a need for independent living among the elderly is emerging. Statistics show that people are now living longer than during any other time in recent history. Studies conducted by the U.S. National Institute on Aging indicate that there are currently more than 35 million people above 65 years in the U.S. today. Contact Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts today Call now for a free no-obligation in-home evaluation with a guaranteed price in writing 888 532-3834 (Click To Call)

Benefits of Stairlifts For Homes #1

Independence- Without a stairlift, people with mobility issues often avoid using the stairs in their home completely because they don’t want to endure pain daily and put their safety at risk. Contact a representative today at Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts at (888) 542-3834 to get answers to your questions.

Stairlifts For Home Mountain West

Stairlifts For Home Mountain West

It’s always in the interests of the elderly to remain in their homes to age in place, and not go to nursing homes but with limited mobility, they face a huge challenge when it comes to climbing their stairs to move from one floor to another. Unfortunately, most seniors find themselves with no option but to move to an assisted living facility. The good news is that stairlifts for home Mountain West have really aided the mobility of the elderly, and consequently, improve their quality of life. They no longer need to move out of their homes to seek nursing care in various facilities for seniors, and will not fear anymore for their safety due to limited mobility.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau report, about 11 million older Americans are unable to walk or climb stairs. Due to medical conditions, others may lack the energy/strength to navigate the stairs.

A Stairlift is a great and affordable innovation for the elderly

A stairlift offers a great, easy, innovative, and affordable solution for the elderly and people with mobility issues as they will be able to move freely and safely around their homes. Whether installed inside or outside, you will no longer struggle climbing a flight of stairs, and instead, you will just ride the stairlift up and down the stairs at your convenience.

Do you have a staircase in your home which you are finding it difficult to climb, forcing you to stay in only one floor of your property to avoid pain, discomfort, and potential accident? You shouldn’t suffer anymore.

You can just install a stairlift and regain your freedom and independence to move around your home. Your family will have peace of mind knowing that you’re safe when navigating your stairs.

A stairlift is a vital device that can carry you up and down your staircase with comfort along the way that will make you enjoy your home. Stairlifts can be fitted on the staircase railing or wall. Depending on your needs and budget, you can purchase an indoor or outdoor stairlift.

Stairlifts for home Mountain West are quite useful for people with multiple staircases in their homes since they will navigate their stairs without any difficulty. If you’re planning to purchase and install a stairlift, we want to share with you some of the benefits you will get, which will inform you decision-making:

  1. Independence

Without a stairlift, people with mobility issues often avoid using the stairs in their home completely because they don’t want to endure pain daily and put their safety at risk.

If you have knee problems and suffer from aches and pains, it’ll be quite difficult for you to climb the stairs, and therefore, you’ll likely be confined to one floor of your home or might consider moving to assisted living facilities.

Invest in a stairlift to regain your freedom and independence of accessing both floors of your house easily without seeking support from anyone.

  1. Fall Prevention

One major concern for the elderly and people with limited mobility who live alone is falling while navigating the stairs and getting injured. Due to lack of support and fear of falling, they end up avoiding using the stairs completely.

Luckily, you can purchase a stairlift that will guarantee you safe transportation every time you use it. The stairlift glides up and down the staircase smoothly while you are seated comfortably and safely on its chair.

A stairlift guarantees high safety, and therefore, you shouldn’t worry about falling or getting injured. It will give you priceless peace of mind.

  1. Save Money

Are you thinking of moving to an assisted living facility because you’re unable to navigate your stairs as you move around your home? Various studies show that people who live in a home with two or more floors and struggle a lot to navigate the stairs often consider assisted living earlier than those living in a home with just one floor.

If you want to stay in your home and still be able to move around freely and independently, then you should acquire a stairlift that will meet your needs. You love your home, and therefore, we don’t want you to sell or leave it.

Stairlift ensures that you remain in your home so that you can enjoy your investment while having the added benefit of using the stairs without any difficulty. Stairlifts for home Mountain West have really encouraged many homeowners with limited mobility to stay put and enjoy their home knowing that they will maneuver their staircase up and down easily as they wish.

Purchasing a stairlift is a long-term investment that you will benefit from for many years to come. It will save you money that you could have spent to pay for services offered at an assisted living facility.

  1. Prevents Pain

It is quite difficult for people who have arthritis, aching joints, and pain due to injuries or surgery to climb the stairs. Sometimes you may have to spend much more time upstairs or downstairs just so you could avoid the pain you feel when navigating the stairs.

We believe that a staircase shouldn’t prevent you from accessing any part of your home, especially if you feel pain climbing the stairs. We are more than to inform you that we have a great solution for your problem: Stannah stairlift will provide you safe and comfortable ride up and down the staircase.

Once you purchase and install a stairlift, you will no longer need to climb the stairs physically and experience pain as a result. That pain will cease being a major obstacle to your movement in your home.

  1. Indoor and Outdoor Use

Whether you have stairs inside your house or outdoors, you can find a stairlift that suits your home and need. You may be looking for a solution to enable you to enter and exit your home easily and safely if you have steps that lead up to your front or back door, and therefore, we would recommend you purchase and install an outdoor stairlift.

Some homes have a steep staircase that leads to a deck in the backyard. A stairlift will bring a new lifestyle for you, in the sense that it’ll enable you to do things that you have not been able to do in years, including setting your feet on your lawn.

Once you have installed a stairlift on the deck staircase, you will be visiting your backyard and garden area easily and frequently as you wish.

Investing in a stairlift in your home is a wise decision that will help to restore your freedom and independence. The elderly and those with physical disabilities will benefit highly from stairlift installation in their homes.

There are also those with vertigo and weakness in the joints due to an illness, and likewise, they will find a stairlift to be a beneficial investment that will change their quality of life. There are a variety of brands, types, designs, and models of stairlifts for home Mountain West available today in the market.

Stairlifts For Home Mountain West

Keep in mind that you will need a professional for the installation and maintenance. Do you want to install a stairlift in your home but have some questions as you try to make an informed decision? Contact a representative today at Stannah Mountain West Stairlifts to get answers to your questions.

Call us now at (888) 542-3834 or fill out our contact form online to schedule a free home assessment/consultation.

Stairlifts For Home Mountain West

Stairlifts For Home Mountain West


Stairlift Size

Others need to be able to move around the house, so a stair lift should not block the stairway. Ideally, the chair and footrest will easily fold and unfold into a compact size without much effort. Some new designs curve around the bottom or top of the staircase so the stair lift is always accessible but never blocks the stairway.

Best Stair Lifts

Best Stair Lifts

As we age, mobility can become a problem for us. Loss of mobility affects our ability to do day-to-day living activities, especially in your own home. Installing a stair lift in the home can simplify the life of you or a loved one.  Mobility will no longer be an issue for those who previously had difficulties traversing the stairs. They can go up an down the stairs easily and quickly. If you or a loved one can no longer climb stairs and your home requires it, getting a stair lift will allow you to access all the floors of your home.

Though you might be uncertain on where to begin searching for a stair lift, but it is imperative that you obtain one of the best stair lifts you can afford in your home. A poor quality stair lift will break easily and not stand a durability test over time; whereas, a high quality life is an investment because it will last long and provide you with so much use. Having a poor quality stair lift is also dangerous. If it malfunctions while you’re on it, you could risk harming yourself.

Best Stair Lifts

By purchasing the best stair lifts, you can ensure that you’ll have a safe, working stair lift for many years to come. Also, some best stair lifts come with warranties. To make sure the warranty is honored, have your stair lift professionally installed rather than doing it yourself. Getting a professional to install your lift also will minimize the chance of malfunctions and; as a result, decrease the risk of injury. Stannah Stairlifts has nearly 150 years of experience installing stair lifts, so I think we know a thing or two about that! It’s your home and you want to make sure that you’re the safest possible in it. Only the best stair lifts will give you that level of value and professionalism.

For an increase in mobility and independence, consider having a stair lift in your home today. Just remember, this is an investment and you want to choose one of the best stair lifts possible for you. Contact Stannah now to find out more about the wide variety of lifts that we have available for the interior and exterior of your home.

Best Stair Lifts

Best Stair Lifts

Stannah Stairlift Video : Cyril & Marge

Since 1975, the Stannah Group has drawn on our unrivalled technical experience to manufacture and install stairlifts, supplying over a quarter of a million satisfied customers in more than 40 countries.

Stannah Stairlifts Video : Daphne’s Stairlift Story

Since 1975, the Stannah Group has drawn on our unrivalled technical experience to manufacture and install stairlifts, supplying over a quarter of a million satisfied customers in more than 40 countries.

Tag Archive for: stairlifts